Empower the next generation of leaders with DoSomething.org’s action-driven programming, tools, and resources. Whether you’re working with young people in a high school or college, a club leader, or running out-of-school-time programs, DoSomething provides a range of service programs that help you and those you serve take meaningful action on the issues they care about.
DoSomething believes that if we equip young people with the skills and knowledge and provide accessible opportunities to engage in service, they can make meaningful change on things that matter to them.
DoSomething meets young people where they are. DoSomething provides tangible steps that can be taken individually, with a few friends, or as a group whether they are a curious or committed changemaker. Most actions can be adapted to expand leadership opportunities and participation.
Statistics show youth are volunteering in striking numbers. Many are involved in projects at school through service learning projects and programs.
DoSomething supports the education community with our Your Road to 10 Credit Hours program. Young people can fulfill their service goals by exploring the rubric of activities charted by interest area and hours. Whether it’s a combination of several small actions or a larger commitment, DoSomething supports students to positively impact their community.
If you’re interested in helping young people learn about civic responsibility, gain civic knowledge and get a leg up on graduation requirements, this road is for you!

In several states, students may obtain a seal of civic readiness. David Edelman, a high school teacher and Civics Club advisor at Union Square Academy for Health Sciences in New York, iterated upon DoSomething’s Storybooths programming to create a service-learning curriculum that students can complete to earn 1.5 points toward their New York State Seal of Civic Readiness. This curriculum was accredited by the Civics for All team at the New York City Department of Education and may be obtained here.
While it is specifically designed for New York State students, it has wide applicability. Check it out!
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